UniVisagio for Universities

UniVisagio offers trainings to university students preparing for the market. The topics include basic understanding of processes, presentation techniques, problem solving, leadership, BI tools, among others.
All trainings are developed and delivered by Visagio consultants experienced in delivering projects related to the specific topic.
University students trained through UniVisagio
students trained per year
Que tal se capacitar com empresa líder em desenvolvimento no Brasil?
Para ajudar você a investir na sua carreira sem sair de casa, disponibilizamos alguns dos nossos treinamentos internos de forma gratuita! Clique aqui e assista diversas aulas sobre Excel, Ferramentas de BI, VBA, Técnicas de Storytelling, entre outros.

UniVisagio in Company
UniVisagio offers trainings for our customers, in order to contribute to the training of people and the creation of critical skills.